Skrifa í Gestabók
Wahou, it wasn't easy to find where i could leave a message, since i am so fluent in icelandic. I have been looking through this blog since i started working this morning... Anyway, because i know you have plenty of spare time in this country where girls are so unatractive, i recommend you to start writing in English in your blog. I also have a very good picture i'll send you to add in your "staff pictures". Anyway, how is it going, have you started your flight simulation already or have you decided to give up and come back where you belong : Fosshotel!!! You know every day i work, i see your initial somewhere, RM, your writing on some papers, and you even left your badge with your name on the desk at the reception, like you want to make sure i will never forget about you... Sometimes i just want to run away and cry. Even Oliver can't help me to feel better.... I'm crying again... I hope you're wife won't see that, she might, just "might" understand what is going on between you and I. But remember the waffle time, the fosshotel pizzas, the croque-monsieur and come back home very soon to have a nasty dirty filthy Valentin's day....
Ludomundur Guðmundsson (Óskráður, IP-tala skráð), mið. 13. feb. 2008
Hefurðu hitt Emil?
allt gott hér, eða þannig. Ragnar farinn norður til pabba síns og við erum öll með skeifu hérna. Vonandi fáum við Karen til okkar í einhv. tíma á meðan þú ert í burtu.Hún þarf að fara að læra dýrahljóðin betur.Gangi þér sem best á námskeiðinu, eða bara ¨rústaðu því¨. Lov mútl
Brynja (Óskráður, IP-tala skráð), fös. 14. sept. 2007
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